All About Us
We are a small business located in historic Ebenezer, GA. My husband and I collect all of our driftwood ourselves, clean and prepare it, and store it on our property. All soaps and skin products are made right here, not by another company and never tested on animals, only family and friends. The plants we sell are grown on our property from native populations that we have collected over the years. I offer several species of Opuntia cactus that are only found in coastal South Carolina and Georgia. I incorporate native plants, and clays into my products to make them one-of-a-kind. I have studies wild and cultivated plants and their uses for many years in order to utilize them in my products. I started out making creams, soaps, etc., for my own use because I wanted to improve my own skin health, and after seeing such a difference in the texture and appearance of my own skin, decided to sell it to the public. Welcome to our shop. Please contact us with any questions you may have.